Tuesday, October 31, 2006

What a Small, Small World...

Fancy meeting you here!? I had the opportunity to meet this sweet girl tonight!
Alyssa was visiting my floor this week and in talking we
discovered that we have some common ground! It's funny
sometimes how it's such a small world! :) How fun! It was so
nice to meet you Alyssa! Hopefully I'll see you again
sometime! :) Come to Maranatha!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Getting Closer in Floor Devos...

36 girls + 1 laundry room = a whole lot of fun!

Floor devos may get mundane in some dorms...but not in Day! We keep it fun! :) To break up monotony this week we played "Sardines" throughout the whole dorm! So fun! I love these girls! We always have a blast! Thanks girls for a great time!

Monday, October 23, 2006

I LOVE Chicago!

I love this picture! The trees and the boat are so beautiful...

Us @ Pier Park!

We're sooo tall!!! ha! ha!

Millenium Park!

Catching the Train!

Orbit Rainbow


Look how beautiful the sky is!

What a perfect day! All week long weather on Saturday in Chicago was predicted as COLD and rainy :( Lianna, Heidi, Taryn and I had planned a trip to the city back in September and we weren't about to give up on it. We decided to go and make the best of it. I brought my hat, gloves and scarf to keep warm, planning on the cold weather. However once we got to the city the clouds dissipated, the blue skies and warm sunshine came out! We got to ride on the ferris wheel and it was wonderful! I got to take some cool pictures! :) We had a blast at Navy Pier, riding the crazy trolley, shopping at Neiman Marcus, Seeing Millenium Park, walking down Lake Shore Drive, Advertizing for Orbit (haha! you'll have to ask about that one!) searching for a pizza place, missing our train and catching the "late" one. It was such a good day. It started to drizzle a little on our way back to the train and during the ride back home from the train station it snowed! Can you believe that! I was so warm all day in Chicago and then that very evening it snowed! Crazy! The Lord was so good to give us such a sweet day of fun memories! Thanks girls for an awesome day and for the fun memories! Love you! :)

Monday, October 16, 2006

Sweetest Birthday

Happy Birthday to Me! ha! ha!

Today was such a fun day! Friends were so sweet to remember my special day and wish me happy birthday all day long. People I don't really even know wishing me a happy birthday! It was great! :) It made my heart so happy! Classes seemed to go by faster than normal. Northland was here! I love seeing camp friends and getting together. Not to mention my teacher let me skip class to go to the camp party! (hooray for Dr. Saxon! I'm not going to lie; He's pretty much the best!)
At dinner I think I experienced the most embarassing but fun birthday memory ever! I had dinner with family away from home--the Wetzels. and well dad wetzel got this great idea to have the ENTIRE dining common sing to me! He came over, stood next to me and then proceded to get the attention of EVERYONE! Workers stopped working, people stopped eating, walking, talking and looked him. He annouced "hey! it's carla's birthday today and then started singing the birthday song along with the ENTIRE dinning common. Not even exagerating. wow! I couldn't stop laughing, tears just started pouring because I was laughing so hard!
Then later Lianna whisked me off with my closest buddies for a fun little party! I have such a blast with these girls! I love them so much! The Lord is so good to give me such sweet friends. Then when we got back after devos one of the girls on my floor came up to me asking me for keys to get into her room. So we went up to my room to get the keys I came in opened the door and immediately smelled smoke. You have no idea what terror was running through my heart at that moment! Then I turned on the lights and there was my entire floor cramped in my room and my best friend jenn with a cake with 21 happy little fire code violating candles! After they sang I blew them out as fast as I could and then with the help of a few fanned the fire alarms so they wouldn't go off! ha! ha! I thought I was too young to be setting off the fire alarm! Good thing it was just a close call.

Overall today has been one of my favorite birthday's yet! Thank you so much everyone who was part of it! I love you all so much and am so grateful for your kindness towards me! LOVE YOU!

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Julie and Joleen

Jen and Steph

Me and Jess

Six girls + Taco Bell + meanie cashier lady + lots of funny stories!

It was just supposed to be a quick little dinner ...two hours later we left...and I'm fairly certain that everyone in the restaurant was glad!

haha! good times!

Friday, October 13, 2006


What a blast! Crazy chapel is always the best! Spirit week was so fun, as always. I can't believe it was my last one :( I'm going to miss spirit week. Maybe I'll have to teach high school a few years so I can re-live some memories! haha!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Spirit Week Pictures!

4th Grade Picture Day!

Retro Day!

Super Hero Day!

Fun spirit week pictures! :)

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Corn Maze Outing

Well...it started out as a good idea...bonding...it's a good thing right? I had no idea how much time and effort planning an activity for 50+ people was going to be. And looking back now it was so worth it...

Friday night my floor and I along with dates went out to a corn maze in lake mills..what a blast! Things got a little hectic last minute trying to make sure everyone had rides but once we were there the pressure was off and it was all about fun...

We rode this fun big hayride wagon thing back to the corn maze that sat on 4 acres of land! it was crazy! We got so lost!! it took us forever to get out! haha! Then we got a little hot cocoa to warm us on the inside and sat at the bonfire to warm us on the outside. As more and more people came out of the maze and came over to the bonfire we played games until the group was way too big and the only game we could think of was "simon says." So here we have this group of like 50 something college students playing this goofy game but it was such a blast! haha!

It seemed like everyone had a great time and I'm so glad it turned out well! PTL!

I'm trying to think of an outing for Christmas time. Any ideas?