Wednesday, May 03, 2006

my best friends jen...

These are my two best friends Jen-- ok so one's actually Jenn and the other is Jenni but I love them both a million times a million and I have no idea how I'm going to live without them this summer! We've had so many fun times this semester from snacking in artist series, to rollerskating, to nearly dying driving 100 mph through a construction site (on the highway!) to forking faculty/staff yards. I love these girls! Thanks so much for all the memories! I LOVE YOU!!!


jules said...

O! cute picture! and we were definitely right behind u going like 100 on a "road work" highway - o my ;) crazy jen, hopefully she has a lisence ;) hahaa!

Liz said...

What a great blog!! You're going to have to add me to your links list!!! I can't believe school is over already! How crazy is that? Anyway, have a great day and happy blogging!!!

Liz said...

Wow! It's about time you started a blog!! I can't wait to read it! You are going to have to add me to your links list! My address is!!! Have a great day and happy blogging!!!

Jiphanie110 said...

Wow..your blog is gonna be soooo fun! Work hard on it, but don't make it a task! B/c if you feel like you have to do it everyday then you'll get tired of it reallllly FAST! Talk to you later!

Jennifer said...

my name is jen too...forget about me;)? jk. i know you love me and i am your favorite jen that works in the welcome center!

Anonymous said...

Hey Carla Jane...If Bobbi is offended, I am mortified! Atleast she didn't experience EVERY thing you listed on the fun expeditions list with your best friends...:o) Just ya lots! Actually it's probably a good thing that you cut me out of the pic cause I looked like I was on some form of drug (and not nyquill either) and that would not be good for you RA-dom rep. :o)